"The Most Desolate Winter"

By Mike McManus

As the most desolate winter descends,
Only white blankets of melancholy
Left to warm my brittle bones through the night.
Is there sign of hope as twilight ends?
The grey, ominous horizon commends
Darkness of heart through demagogy.
Daylight shrinking, is there any sign of light
As the most desolate winter descends?
Only gravestones in silhouette of friends
Reflect permanent on my mind’s folly.
Has even the sun abandoned my fight?
Is there any sign of hope as twilight ends?
But wait…Is that?...green holly that defends
Against this colorless, dull melody
With red-blood berry wounds imposed by frostbite,
As the most desolate winter descends?
Could this circular splash of color wend
Man through this deep forest of felony?
Could it possibly console through the night?
Is this my sign of hope as twilight ends?
What could possibly have strength to transcend
And turn this myrrh to gift of clemency?
I implore, give us light through this wintery blight
As the most desolate winter descends!
What’s that?! A cry?! Amidst these barren lands?!
Life amidst this frigid hegemony?
Let it be!  Send my inert heart aflight!
Is this my sign of hope as twilight ends?
Yes, life begins and my frozen heart mends,
With joyous verse in place of elegy.
This weak, helpless child shines a ray of light,
And this most desolate winter can end.
This most desolate winter will end.
Yes, this most desolate winter shall end.


Adam Thompson