Waterpark Camp

Beat the afternoon heat with epic water balloon battles, slip and slide races, water frisbee, and a week’s worth of waterpark competition to lead your friends to victory! Each day will feature a thrilling water-based battle and water-themed sport leading to a final winner take all prize at the end of camp Friday. Prepare to soak your enemies with water cannons, sniper the competition with long range water rifles, and move in for victory with your water grenades! Arm yourself with your wits, a towel for after camp, and an optional water gun from home on Friday for the last battle!

For parents: campers only need a towel for the end of camp and to wear athletic type shorts and shirt (no need to change clothes). Water competitions and water sports will be barefoot in the grass so regular footwear is all you need.

June 3-7 (12:30pm– 3:30 pm)

Boys age 7 – 14

Mike Whitebread




Adam Thompson