"Old Boys" 3-on-3 Basketball Tourney


On Saturday, March 9, we held our first ever basketball Tournament on campus.  A host of old boys from the four past graduating classes played along with a faculty team featuring Mr. Hoff and Mr. Janeiro.  Several dads brought food and grilled lunch and a number of teachers were on hand.

The winning team was logically “The Seniors,” boys of Class 2012 (our first), including Chris Gosselin, Thomas Peters and Gabriel Vauthey.  A full court 5-on-5 game and three-point shoot out followed the tournament.

We proposed to hold the tourney each year on the Saturday ending Spring Break, combining it with our annual Old Boys, Dads & Faculty Pigskin Classic, bringing high school graduates back on campus with dads and families.  Other events for class groups are also being considered as we prepare to graduate our 5th class of Green Jays this May. 

Rahul Aggarwal